Side Deck | Extra Deck |
For Judge Use Only |
Deck List Checked? |
Judge Initial: | Infraction(s): |
Description: |
Deck Check Rd: |
Judge Initial: | Infraction(s): |
Description: |
Deck Check Rd: |
Judge Initial: | Infraction(s): |
Description: |
3x | Artifact Lancea | 1x | Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames |
3x | Chaos Hunter | 1x | Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres |
3x | Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay | 1x | S:P Little Knight |
3x | Solemn Strike | 1x | Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze |
3x | Solemn Judgment | 1x | Moon of the Closed Heaven |
| | 1x | Fiendsmith's Requiem |
| | 1x | Fiendsmith's Sequence |
| | 1x | Fiendsmith's Agnumday |
| | 1x | Fiendsmith's Desirae |
| | 1x | Necroquip Princess |
| | 1x | D/D/D Wave High King Caesar |
| | 1x | Sangenpai Bident Dragion |
| | 1x | Sangenpai Transcendent Dragion |
| | 1x | Trident Dragion |
| | 1x | Chaos Angel |
15 |
<<Total in Side Deck |
15 |
<<Total in Extra Deck |